Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Calendar Reflection

As Simon and Garfunkel would say, college is a "time of innocence" and a "time of confidence." With the newly granted freedom, we all must learn the critical skills of maturity: time management and responsibility. Personally, staying busy keeps me productive; when I have free time, I become indolent and irresponsible.

CollegeDegrees360. "A College Girl is Studying for the End of Year Exam." July 12, 2012 via Flickr. Public Domain Dedication. 

My semester is fully loaded; I am taking eighteen units and majoring in bio-medical engineering. Balancing studies, social activities and even basic human needs will be a challenge, but I am excited to face it. After mapping out my schedule, I realize I barely have time to even breathe. However, my classes are done in the afternoon, so I will have enough down time to dedicate to homework.

 I'm nervous about balancing rigorous courses, such as calculus and chemistry, and being in a sorority; I do enjoy being busy, though, so the pressure of obligation should keep me on track. I plan on utilizing my down time by staying on top of my work; my goal is to work for an hour to an hour and a half every day on each class. Oh, I also will try to get at least a few hours of sleep a night. Despite the stress of adjustment, I am ready to hit the ground running.

Kelly's post made me feel better about enjoying a busy life. If I have free time, I usually accomplish nothing; however, if I have the pressure of many obligations, I get a lot more done. I find it comforting to know there are others that enjoy such a lifestyle as well. In addition, I admire Kelly's sense of balance; she seems to have allotted the perfect amount of time for all her endeavors, even if it's just enough time to watch one Netflix show. 
Trey's post made me feel better about my heavy schedule as well. I also like that we are both engineering majors, so we can relate to rigorous classes. Trey's plan to work a little bit on everything everyday is smart because then he can stay on top of his work. Also, I admire that he strives to get a good night's sleep; I should probably start doing that. 


  1. I do not envy you! Taking 18 credits, especially in science, will be tough. I, on the other hand, plan to major in psychology, so I most likely won't have to take any science classes. But I agree that being busy is good because it forces you to stay on track. I wish you the best of luck this semester!

  2. Wow, you are very brave. I'm currently taking 16 credits and I'm struggling a bit. Like you, I'm also in a sorority and have all my classes ending in the afternoon. I'm a physiology major so I'm taking Calculus and Chemistry as well. We can be study buddies. I agree that keeping busy will help you keep on track as that's kind of my plan also. I wish you look in pursuing your studies!

  3. Hi Savannah. I struggle with even contemplating your 18 credits while participating in Greek Life AND striving for a degree in biomedical engineering. I am taking 16 credits and majoring in engineering, and I already feel bogged down by classwork. I too am nervous about how my calculus class will turn out in the following weeks, hopefully good!

  4. How has this year semester ended up for you? Did you achieve what you wanted to? I know that I'm taking similar course work and it was definitely a shock how much work there was. Good luck with next semester.:)

    1. Hi Charles. I ended up dropping my gen ed because it was way too many credits. I have been doing well in school, however, which is what I wanted! I also was surprised at the amount of work; I thought I would be able to manage it, but I wasn't able to. I like my sorority and I've met some cool people and still am able to balance school so I'd say the semester is going well. Good luck to you too!
