Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Reflection on Open Letter Draft

In the post below, I will be providing links to the letters I peer reviewed as well as answering questions to reflect on my open letter draft.

ClckrFreeVectorImages. "Reindeer, Rudolph, Christmas." May 7, 2012 via Pixaby. Public Domain Dedication.

The review I received from Nick helped me in a few ways. His advice reminded me to keep my letter formal and to avoid using extremes within my letter. He also explained areas where I did well as well as where needs improvement. I decided to add more concrete examples and more description of my writing experience after reviewing the edits made to my draft.

I peer reviewed Isabel's and Nick's open letter drafts.

1. Did you demonstrate an ability to think about your writing and yourself as a writer?

Yes, I was able to self-reflect on myself as a writer over the course of the semester. I feel as though my letter accurately summarizes and analyzes my past writing and also how I have grown as a writer.

2. Did you provide analysis of your experiences, assignments, or concepts you have learned?

Yes, I analyzed my journey as a writer. I did this from my past as well as through my experience in this semester. I feel as though I looked at everything and was able to see how I have grown and changed throughout the semester as a writer. 

3. Did you provide concrete examples from your own writing?

I did provide examples of how I've grown through the semester. I reflected on previous blogs and previous ideas I had at the beginning of the semester and analyzed how my thoughts have changed since then.

4. Did you explain why you made certain choices and whether those choices were effective?

Yes I explained how my thoughts and processes changed and how they are more effective now that I know what I am doing. I also explained how they were effective in helping my writing process.

5. Did you use specific terms and concepts related to writing and the writing process?

I did not really use specific terms related to the writing process. I did mention what type of writer I am, which relates t the writing process. Otherwise, I did not really mention specific concepts. 

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