Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Draft of Rhetorical Analysis

In the post below, I will be providing an explanation of my rhetorical analysis for peer review as well as a link to a draft of my rhetorical analysis.
Davefoc. "Flower." July 2011 via Wikipedia. Public Domain Dedication. 

I feel as though my analysis is really structured. If you have any advice how to fix it, I'd appreciate it! In addition, if there is anything I should add or change I am open to criticism. Also, could you make sure my draft is coherent and logically makes sense and if the title is okay? Thank you peer reviewers! A copy of my rhetorical analysis can be found here.

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  1. Can't access.... From the instructions for Blog Post 7.16:
    "Be sure that your sharing settings are changed so that people outside the UofA network can access your Google Doc. If I can't access your Google Doc the first time and I have to request access, your work will be subject to a late penalty of 5% per day (starting with the first time I couldn't access it) until I've gotten access."
